Jan 11, 2024 Post

As advertised, let’s jump right into the story of the week (prompt courtesy of Myer Sue), followed by a brief update on the novel.           The …

January 4, 2024 Post

Like a bad social disease you can’t get rid of, we’re back for another year, and as you may have noticed from the email tag line, we’re calling this “The …

Nov 23, 2023 Post

I know not everyone’s a believer, but for those of you who are of the faith, here’s wishing you the happiest Thanksgiving you’ll have all year. Personally, I believe there will …

Nov. 10, 2023 Post

  Since there’s a whole lot going on in my world of writing, let’s jump right into it, shall we? If you missed last week’s post, I shared a bit about …

Nov. 2, 2023 Post

How crazy would it be to set a goal to write 15 of my 101-word stories—every day for a month? OK, the truth is that I am not going to write 15 …

Oct. 19, 2023 Post

Two quick items before we get to the Story of the Week (and thanks to Dale Morgan for supplying the prompt). First, I’ll be making a guest appearance at the Monterey …

Oct. 13, 2023 Post

Since today is one of those spooky days, I probably should’ve gone to a dark and creepy place, but it just wasn’t happening. In this case, I was using another …

Oct. 6, 2023 Post

What, you may ask, could my Goofy excuse possibly be for getting out this week’s blog a day late? If you know me at all (and by now you certainly …

Sept 28, 2023 Post

Apologies in advance to Vonn Scott Bair. After all, it was his prompt that led to this week’s tale.        Bar Wars Leo chuckled as he read the menu. …

Sept. 21, 2023 Post

This week’s story comes to you inspired by a prompt submitted by Chris J of Elgin, AZ It’s Always Great When the Kids Drop In Siblings Bill and Barb were …