FAST FICTION: 101 Stories ● 101 Words Each (Vol. 1)
What’s the book about? The title tells you all you need to know–including the fact that there will be at least a second volume, which, by the way, is being written even as you read this! Too late! It’s already out. Scroll down to buy now!
Looking for something to read on the go? Check out the book Kirkus Reviews described as
“Smart, snappy, compelling tales…sufficiently addictive to cause readers to devour them one after another.”
Available now in paperback and ebooks everywhere.
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FAST FICTION, Vol. 2: Man vs. Machine
This time out, I battle ChatGPT, the revolutionary AI, in an exciting duel of wits to see who can craft the best 101-word stories. From comedic to dark, sweet to poignant, their tales span a vast spectrum of human emotion, with unanticipated twists and surprises lurking around every corner.
“…Flawlessly compelling”
Midwest Book Reviews
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