June 20, 2024 Post

Today isn’t quite the longest day of the year–it’ll just seem like it after you’ve read this. As we go to press, I’m taking a break from a fun Crime …

June 13, 2024 Post

It won’t kill you to read this, but why take a chance? But, since I see you’re the type who likes living on the edge, read on. Two tales and …

May 23, 2024 Post

Another week, another quick 101-word adventure. I hope you’re not reading this first thing in the morning, because I don’t want to be responsible for your day peaking right after …

April 18, 2024 Post

Welcome back to another week in my wacky world of Words and How I Strive to String Them Together. I’m not sure if this says more about me or you, …

April 4, 2024 Post

Not a lot to chat about and much to do today so I’m going to jump right into the Story of the Week, featuring a prompt provided by Elijah, a Barnes …

February 29, 2024 Post

Going all the way back to last week, you may remember that I relayed a nightmare I had about discovering that one of my 101-word stories had been mysteriously scrambled …

February 22, 2024 Post

I don’t remember most of my dreams. I’m not complaining—it’s probably a good thing, saving me thousands of dollars in therapy. For whatever reason, one of dreams surfaced after I …

Feb 1, 2024 Post

Happy February 1st (or whatever day you happen to be seeing this). Let me start by fulfilling last week’s promise. I said I’d update you on a bit of a …

January 25, 2024 Post

Welcome back to another chapter of my so-called writing life. I want to begin this week by fulfilling a promise from my last post. I said I’d update you on …

Jan 18, 2024 Post

Welcome to this week’s adventures in storytelling, where I’ll offer up my Story of the Week and also ask a question that will help me as I craft my novel. …