April 18, 2024 Post

Welcome back to another week in my wacky world of Words and How I Strive to String Them Together. I’m not sure if this says more about me or you, …

April 11, 2024 Post

It seems like it was only a week ago since we last spoke. We were so innocent back then, weren’t we? We hadn’t even heard the term “path of totality.” …

March 28, 2024 Post

Welcome back to another adventure down the path of my so-called writing life. I’d like to start off this week with a brief confession of sorts. As regular readers of …

March 21, 2024 Post

Still moving forward on the novel. This week’s activities: I think I managed to fix the major story problems I had previously noted. In some cases, it involved changing the …

March 14, 2024 Post

Hey there, blog readers. I got a lot going on today—plus, I’m still playing catch-up after that whole hour was ripped away from me with last week’s time change—so let’s …

March 7, 2024 Post

After a weeklong road trip that kept me away from my writing, I was like the classic dope fiend clamoring for my next fix. The solution: grabbing my beach chair …

February 29, 2024 Post

Going all the way back to last week, you may remember that I relayed a nightmare I had about discovering that one of my 101-word stories had been mysteriously scrambled …

February 15, 2024 Post

When I started this blog back in the late 50s, I never envisioned the great interaction I’ve enjoyed with you, the brave readers who dare to open these weekly missives. …

Feb 1, 2024 Post

Happy February 1st (or whatever day you happen to be seeing this). Let me start by fulfilling last week’s promise. I said I’d update you on a bit of a …

January 25, 2024 Post

Welcome back to another chapter of my so-called writing life. I want to begin this week by fulfilling a promise from my last post. I said I’d update you on …