July 18, 2024 Post

First, a bit of housekeeping… The company I employ to send around these little weekly slices of my life has inadvertently deleted a decent chunk of you subscribers from my …

July 4, 2024 Post

May the Fourth be with you! As I mentioned last week, I’m going to concentrate a lot more on the novel and less on writing new sequels & prequels to …

June 27, 2024 Post

Some kids outgrow their imaginary friends…the rest of us become writers Last week’s online conference about writing crime fiction turned out to be pretty decent. It wasn’t exactly the same …

June 20, 2024 Post

Today isn’t quite the longest day of the year–it’ll just seem like it after you’ve read this. As we go to press, I’m taking a break from a fun Crime …

June 13, 2024 Post

It won’t kill you to read this, but why take a chance? But, since I see you’re the type who likes living on the edge, read on. Two tales and …

June 6, 2024 Post

What every smartphone user should know …has nothing to do with this post, but… I do have a couple of stories for you. I’m serving up the Story of the …

May 23, 2024 Post

Another week, another quick 101-word adventure. I hope you’re not reading this first thing in the morning, because I don’t want to be responsible for your day peaking right after …

May 2, 2024 Post

Welcome back, kids! I have a lot to get to so enough with the long intros. Last weekend’s National Independent Bookstore Day was a lot of fun. I was at …

April 25, 2024 Post

The big news this week is that I finally inked a deal with a developmental editor for my novel. I don’t have details yet on when she’ll get to it …

April 18, 2024 Post

Welcome back to another week in my wacky world of Words and How I Strive to String Them Together. I’m not sure if this says more about me or you, …