FAST FICTION Launch Party Tonight! The official retail store launch for my new book takes place tonight at Downtown Book & Sound, in beautiful Salinas, CA. Here’s how store owner Trish Sullivan is marketing the event: You’ll enjoy the premise of this cool book of really short stories and want to own or give a signed copy as a gift. Meet the author and spin the wheel to hear a selection from this book of 101 tales – 101 words each! Mark your calendar for this free event – live music, free prizes, and loads of fun – see you there! The event runs from 6-8 pm. #DowntownBook&Sound
Story of the Week A Trip to the End Zone They came from a small Texas college but played football with big hearts. What they lacked in physical skills (and I.Q.), they countered with dogged determination. Since most of them had never been to Minnesota, after the game, they explored. When the first one fell through the frozen lake, player number two ran to the rescue. More ice broke. Two down. After the entire offensive line sank, a fisherman addressed the surviving punter. “If they thought to grab a ladder, they could’ve displaced their weight and rescued everybody,” the man said. “Yeah, said the punter, “thinking’s not really our style.” Prompt: Will minus intellect Rate this story by using the convenient link here!…
Want a Chance to Read My Favorite Stories? It’s not too late to get in on the voting. I’ll be submitting my top three picks for the Monterey Weekly’s annual contest. If you’d like to help me pick the winners, click here to read them and vote for your top three. I’ll need your votes by this Sunday! Feel free to share the link with any fellow short story lovers, and thanks for listening: Link to ballot Back next week for more. Until then, keep readin’ and writin’! Scotty out |